Logistic is a crucial element of the supply chain, especially for businesses involved in sourcing from Vietnam. When sourcing products from Vietnam, two essential terms to understand are FOB (Free on Board) and US landed cost. In this article, we will explore the basics of logistic in sourcing from Vietnam and how FOB and US landed cost play a significant role in the process.

sourcing vietnam

Sourcing Vietnam: An Overview

Vietnam is a popular destination for businesses worldwide, thanks to its low-cost labor, strong manufacturing capabilities, and extensive supplier networks. The government has also implemented policies to promote investment in various industries, making it an attractive for businesses seeking to diversify their sourcing channels.

However, sourcing from Vietnam also comes with challenges, particularly in logistic management. The country’s complex transport infrastructure and regulations can lead to delays, additional costs, and other logistical hurdles.

FOB: What Does It Mean?

FOB, or Free on Board, is a shipping term used to indicate who is responsible for the shipment of goods. When sourcing products from Vietnam, FOB means that the supplier is responsible for loading the goods onto the carrier and handling the necessary documentation. Once the carrier takes possession of the goods, the responsibility for them shifts to the buyer.

In other words, FOB indicates the point at which the buyer takes responsibility for the goods, including any risks or expenses associated with transportation, such as damage, loss, or insurance. Therefore, businesses from Vietnam must factor in FOB costs when calculating their total landed cost.

US Landed Cost: Why Is It Important?

The US landed cost is the total cost of a product after it arrives in the US, including all fees and expenses incurred during transit. It is a critical metric for businesses from Vietnam, as it allows them to accurately estimate the total cost of their products, including logistics, customs, and duties.

To calculate the US landed cost, businesses must consider several factors, including the product’s FOB cost, transportation costs, customs fees, import duties, and other expenses. Accurately estimating the US landed cost is crucial for businesses to determine their profit margins, pricing strategy, and overall sourcing strategy.


Logistic plays a crucial role in sourcing from Vietnam, and understanding FOB and US landed cost is essential for businesses seeking to optimize their supply chain. By working closely with their suppliers and logistics partners, businesses can navigate the challenges of sourcing from Vietnam and capitalize on the country’s vast potential as a sourcing destination.

If you’re considering sourcing from Vietnam, remember to factor in FOB and US landed cost when planning your sourcing strategy. With the right logistics partner and a thorough understanding of the country’s transport infrastructure and regulations, sourcing from Vietnam can be a profitable and rewarding experience.